Based off the new Star Wars movies, the Rebels series and The Mandalorian I have a couple of Force Feats I want to add to my campaign. Strangely, not all of the original force feats displayed by Luke, Leia and Vader are a part of the original WotC Star Wars book. This book was for The Phantom Menace, but oddly didn't include anything from the original 3 movies.
These Feats are more dangerous and useful than the last set I posted. While I spell them out as all being telekinesis in some form or another, they are under the Alter feat.
Almost all of these are based off the Force Lighting feat, with the DC adjusted for lower levels.
Telekinesis allows the force user to grab, throw and manipulate items at a distance. Within this group there are 4 feats.
The force user can grab a loose object and pull it to themselves. This requires one level of force use. At low levels, this is a full round action. At higher levels, it is a move action. The object will end up in their hand or in a desired landing place near them. If two force users are contesting the control of an object, the one with higher die roll wins, no matter the DC requirement or level difference.
This will usually result in a tug of war, where the lower level character has the exact same chance of winning as the higher level character. The primary problem for the lower level character is the higher level character may be able to make more than one attempt per round, the second of which is uncontested. This seriously antagonizes Dark Side characters and they may needless continue the tug of war with the lesser Force user until some other event prevents them from continuing the war.
Dark Side users gain a Dark Side point each time they repeat this action against another user.
Use the script, Hayden. |
Force User's Level DC
1-3 15 (Full Round Action)
4-6 14 (Full Round Action)
7-12 13 (Move Action)
13-20 12 (Move Action)
+21+ 10 (Move Action)
There is only one modifier to this DC roll, ownership. If the object in question belongs to the character, the DC drops by 2.
This feat has a cost of 1 vitality per object per round. Characters are limited to one object per 3 levels.
Examples: Ankin levitating fruit, Luke recovering his saber.
Sometimes this feat is used as Jedi drinking game. |
A force user can lift an item into the air or pin it to the ground. It requires one level of force use and the Grab feat.
Dark Side users can inflict damage at the same rate as falling a given distance, while Light Side users will tend not damage the item. Like the Grab ability, it has a DC score to succeed against inanimate objects and there is a limit to the number of times they can do this per round. This power only works against inanimate objects.
Force User's Level DC
4-6 15 (Full Round Action)
7-12 14 (Move Action)
13-20 12 (Move Action)
+21+ 10 (Move Action)
The vitality cost is identical to Grab, one per round per object. There is no upper limit to how many things they may lift except the cost. The cost is based on when the objects are moving, not the fact that they have moved. As a consequence, a force user may lift dozens of objects and hold them stationary for a long time. Gracefully returning the object to a resting place will cost more vitality and have its own required DC roll.
Examples: Rey vs. the rocks, Luke entertaining Yoda.
Forceful Impact:
This power is more aggressive than the last two. The force user violently pushes an object or person either out of their way or into a fixed object for damage. Being lifted into the air or slammed to the ground is one of the Force effects that cannot be contested or counter acted by another Force feat. It requires both the alter Feat and the Lift feat.
This power does have a number of different uses. First, it can be used to hurl an item at a target or hurl a target into another object. There is a DC roll:
Force User's Level DC
4-6 15 (Full Round Action)
7-12 14 (Full Round Action)
13-20 12 (Move Action)
+21+ 10 (Move Action)
Dark Side users can inflict falling damage on a victim. A Light Side user will can knock someone down, but generally won't hurt living beings. A victim can resist this damage if they can make a reflect save. If pinned to a surface, the victim must make a Fortitude save in the next round to begin moving again.
One unusual use of this power is to safely propel a target to a destination, as if they lept the distance. When used against a friendly target, the DC is reduced by one.
When used against a friendly force user, that person can use Forceful Impact to guide themselves to a perfect landing along their flight path. This is a separate roll and will not modify the other character's DC roll. Failure indicates they land where the other person intended, not their choice of landing spots.
The cost of this power is two vitality points per round per object or target. If pinning a target, the cost must be paid, successful or not. If the force user is adept enough, they can push back and absorb energy. The cost of this is 4 vitality point per unit of damage absorbed, plus a second DC check for Dissipate energy. If both rolls are successful AND the force user dies, there will be a one round delay in the blast to allow people to escape.
Examples: Obi Wan in every fight in the Prequels, Kanan saving his friends, Kanan and Ezra escaping various fights.
HR is not involved with the Imperial Field Promotion Program. |
Clutch is completely surrounds a target, prevents movement and can cause damage. It may incidentally lift a target from the ground. It requires the Grab feat and 7 levels of force experience.
Force User's Level DC
7-12 15 (Full Round Action)
13-20 14 (Move Action)
+21+ 13 (Move Action)
The force user may inflict 1d6 points of damage per round at a cost of 2 vitality per damage die rolled. The user may choose how many damage dice to roll up to their current level. They may be required to do this for multiple rounds for the desired effect if they guess wrong. When used against a living being, the user receives Dark Side Points equal to the damage done. Light Side users will be inclined to use this power against droids or other non-living targets, while Dark Side users will attack anyone with this ability.
If the force user has both the sense and alter feats, they may subdue a target for as long as desired, with or without inflicting damage so long as they succeed their DC roll. The sense feat also allows the force practitioner the ability to attack targets at vast distances so long as they can sense the target in some way. For example, they could use a camera to view the target or may hear foot steps at the target approaches from behind.
Examples: Vader's force choke, Luke crushing the Dark Trooper.
It wasn't a person, so it wasn't that Dark. |