Thursday, January 19, 2017

A not so #miniaturemonday post - Figures with Flair - January 18th, 2017

I missed #miniaturemonday, but I do have some figures to show off. Please excuse the blur as I haven't had time to get out the nice camera.

First, two D&D figures.

This rogue is one of my favorites. He is based off of Jubal in the Thieves World series of books. He has a bit of grey hair and a multi-colored outfit. He holds a dark colored staff.

I wish I could remember the manufacturer of this figure. This figure is pretty old, and the base shows signs of age. I will likely rebase this figure and give him a new coat of gloss coat.

I especially liked doing the mismatched green and red. for his sleeves. It's a hint of flair for an otherwise normal rogue.

From about the same time period, I have a simple bard with lute. He was my character in several AD&D adventures.

When my friends and I played AD&D, we rotated turns as DM and had a shared world. It was rather interesting as your "main" would become an NPC. One of our rules was to have NPC acquire wealth and experience, but never any magical items.

As a result of this rule, we had many game breaking characters and magic items. The main issue was not power creep as you would expect, but a combination of unique magic items and the courtesy of returning favors. The end result was a bunch of characters with very non-standard gear in large amounts as six DM's doling out goodies was a little too much.

The last item is a cool "unseen" mecha from Battletech. As you can see, he has taken a lot of damage. Before painting this figure, I took a Dremel to the nose and wing. I then washed a propane torch over the entire figure to give it a bubbled and softened look, as if it had walked through fire.

The figure rippled a little too much under the torch, but I still liked the effect.

I would imagine that the pilot was lucky to be alive as the cockpit was very nearly holed. I like figures with character that hint at a little background and story.

Monday, January 9, 2017

#MechaMonday January 9th, 2017 - Adeptus Titanicus

In the process of cleaning out my basement, I have come across some wonderful old figures. Back in the 1980s I recall spending many weekends playing Adeptus Titanicus. As near as I can tell, this game came out in 1988.

All that I have left of the set is the rule book sans cover and 8 Titans, only 2 of which are painted. I believe the set came with 8-12. I'd love to get my hands on more.

Lately, I have painting Space Marines. When I finish those I hope to move onto these Titans. So many toys, so little time.

#MiniatureMonday January Jan 9th, 2017

The Mark 6 "Corvus Armour" Space Marines or Beakies are back. I found a few more and painted them up. For the second set, I went with black and yellow, with silver trim. 

As you might guess, I have never played Warhammer and the paint guide I had went missing over a decade or two ago.

What I like about the Warhammer figures is you can go completely nuts with them. They have some serious heft and all kinds of surfaces waiting for paint. I have not gloss coated the Marine I did last week, as there is so much more detail I can add. That I can use a proper camera next time.

My Green Marines are sitting out ready to be painted. I got so excited finding the other parts and figures that I set them aside for the future.

I dont' know what I'll do once I run out of Marines to paint.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

My Favorite - Greyhawk

My favorite campaign setting for D&D is the Greyhawk. I have the 1983 set and look to it for ideas for my current campaign. Nothing brings back memories like that old gazetteer of information.

Over the years, my campaign has set itself apart from the World of Greyhawk in many ways. However, the Isle of Dread is common to both. Someplace south of the Isle is a magical anomaly that provides transit between these worlds.

I would like to do a Glossography and Guide to my world, but I guess I need a name first. The little things.

Monday, January 2, 2017

#MiniatureMonday January 2nd, 2017

And here is the semi-finished product from my last post. I love these old models.

I went very basic. This one was wiped down with turquoise hue as primer. Over this was a True Blue with black and silver highlights. I like the turquoise under flesh as it fakes out a little depth in the tones.

This guy's hair is brown with white dashes, he is on the older side of Space Marines. While he has lost his helmet, he is carrying a extra rifle. Perhaps, he took the helmet off to give final orders to a medic and kept the soldier's gun.

I can't wait to finish the other four. Since these were sold in packs of more than a dozen, I am hoping to find some more to paint.

Saturday, December 31, 2016


I know #MiniatureModay two days off, but I found these guys while cleaning the basement.

I only found five so far, but 5 minis a week, for 52 weeks is 260 figures a year. I'll never hit that if I don't start now. 5 a week isn't that hard to hit.