Saturday, April 4, 2020

Strictly (Duke) Springer - Day 105 – April 3rd.

This has been a bad deal all around. We are hauling back to Mynkuria and our entry contact is r328. This gives us an advantage to sneak into the area of our choosing, until we are detected. We pick the military base on Mynkuria. This gives a bonus on detection rolls.

We grab our 13,500 credits, 1,485 goes to the 11 crew members.

Duke decides to make a large payment on the principal of the ship, dipping into our savings. We map our 4 rolls and thankfully get Stasis Units. This time we can buy units in any size we want for a base price of 50 per CU. Since the wealth code is 30, we get them for 50 per CU.

I need two stasis units to open the 2 stasis units we found. For that, we need 2 five CU units. That’s 500 secs. Next, I want to put a Stasis unit in the pilotage and improve the ones in the crew quarters. Another 5 CU unit. The crew quarters are going to be broken in to 4 parts, so that is 4 seven CU Stasis Units. That is another 1400. While I’m at it, I might as well cover engineering for another 350 secs. All told, that is 3,250 secs.

We can discard all of the old stasis units, as they can’t be sold. What waste. This approach hardens the ship against attack. In the crew quarters area, up to 7 people can be protected in each of 4 areas. Each 7 unit device takes up 8 spaces.

This hardens the ship against attack.

We have 196,750 in cash, have 6 hypercharges.  We now owe 194,863 on our ship. We are wanted on Palatek.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Strictly (Duke) Springer - Day 103 – April 2nd.

Duke isn’t pleased with all of the guys packed in the hold of the ship. Emily had the engineers install the TL-6 guns. If we get in a fight, we are going to be in trouble. All we can muster is a pair of Hoppers as the turrets are down.

If we get caught, explaining 45 freedom fighters will be hard. They’ll execute us. It’s really not worth the 13,500 secs. we will get for dropping them off and returning to Mynkuria. Sigh.

Our outboard trip is peaceful and arrival in system is boring. We find a second 3 CU stasis unit floating in space. We haul it on board. There is just enough room to store it in the crew quarters.

They weren’t really specific about where we drop them off so we head to the craters. There is a -2 on entry detection there. We don’t get detected, but we zip right through a radiation zone which causes a hit of damage to everyone on board.

We keep going and land to let these guys off.

The Engineers get those guns installed at the end of the day.

I have updated our deck plans as I notice a few mistakes on the last upload. Boat Guns take up five CU, the two groups of 5 CU of space next to the ship's boats are not inside the boats but in the bay they sit in. I didn't bother to draw in the fighters we were transporting as they got off.

We have 218,686 in cash, have 7 hypercharges.  We now owe 225,564 on our ship. We are wanted on Palatek. 

Pilot Episode - That's Not New or Maybe It Is.

Well, I've finally jumped off the deep end and launched a new project.

I discovered a few things about podcasting at least.

  • First, never wear a windbreaker. 
  • Two, paper scripts are good for editing, but if you use them while recording, people hear it. 
  • Your talking speed is not what you think it is. 
  • And item D... It ain't as easy as you'd think. 

But, here it is. It's rather raw but let me know what you think. 

Show notes are as follows:

In this episode, I'll be looking at the 1981 solo game, Barbarian Prince by Dwarfstar Games/Heritage USA/Reaper.

You'll also be listening to Sovereign by Kevin MacLeod, available form the website, INCOMPETCH, linked below.


I'll also be plugging “Playing It Wrong” by Charles Thorin, available at TheyMightBeGazebos.Blog or subscribe to his podcast through

The most important plug is the website where you can get Barbarian Prince,

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Strictly (Duke) Springer - Day 102 – April 1st.

David and Duke need healing and rest, so we are off to the Spaceport. This is a player choice, David was downed by concussion and really doesn’t need healing, just some time off.

We are of course detected on entry. We get an offer transport men to Nipna. They take up 2 CU in the ship and we will be paid 300 for each guy we transport. Emily agrees.

Emily makes the weekly payment of 600 on the ship. We still have a few hours of daylight, so Duke get healed up at a price of 450 secs. Emily purchases more hypercharges (1000) and two sets of ships guns, TL-6 for 1200 each.

3750 secs. well spent, so Emily makes a calculated desision to pay off 14,436 on the principal of our ship. We now owe 225,564 on it.

We have 218,686 in cash, have 8 hypercharges.  We now owe 225,564 on our ship. We are wanted on Palatek.

You probably noticed a lack of ads in these posts. That's because affiliate clicks have jumped off a cliff. However, if you have $5 or $18 or $20 lying around, I would like to suggest The Gardens of Ynn. It is a procedurally generated adventure, which has a curious setting which allows for plug n play into any adventure setting. Personally, I'd use it for D&D, but the book is pretty close to rule set agnostic.

A Great Book from DriveThruRPG
 Gardens of Ynn
Gardens of Ynn