Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Top 20 Sales on DriveThru RPG - Part 2 - Swinging and... Hits?

In finishing this two-post series, I had to modify my thought process. To recap, every time someone clicks a link to DriveThruRPG I make a small amount of money. This occurs every time someone goes from a link here to a product on DriveThruRPG, even if it isn't the product I posted about. 

For example, on the left are links to my products. If someone clicks one of those links but ultimately decides to purchase a completely different product, I still receive a small amount of income. What started this two-post series was the realization that MOST people do not buy what I suggest. I shouldn't be surprised because a review should say why you might like something, not that you will like it. Add in the fact that authors also have varied interests, you will likely see something vaguely related to one of my reviews and enjoy that item more. 

As I mentioned before, this was actually a top 26. I removed my 6 products from the list. This website is dedicated to selling my things. Today that thing is this post, not my books, with the links off to the top left on every stinking page! Yes, I am bad at marketing and I am ok with it. 

To recap, within items 20 down to 11, I only reviewed one item and own only two. Let's count down from 10 to 1 with one hiccup. It seems that 4 of 10 books are part of a series, so I grouped them together. 

Number 10 was Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. I have exactly one post about Savage Worlds and it wasn't a review. The system was used for a Flash Gordon-themed game at a local con. It is a funny story though. Click here to read it

This is a jump to 8, as nine pairs with another title appearing high on the list. 8 was A Guide to Thieves' Guilds by Todd Leback. I own this and meant to review it but did not. 

Legendary Bloodragers was number 7. This is a Pathfinder book that I am not familiar with at all. 

Number 6 isn't a surprise to me, but it was not a topic I normally cover here. It was Shadowrun: Better Than Bad (Deep Shadows). This should be no surprise as Shadowrun hit its 30th Anniversary in May of 2019. There was a special banner for it and just a few months later COVID kicked us all and my web stats went nuts:

There was a bit of a lag in the data, there was a small uptick in March followed by that massive spike in May. I started posting daily between March and May which might explain some of it. 

Number 4 was Filling in the Blanks, which I reviewed back in March of 2021. I also fell in love with the cover art and end up posting about Jenna Drummond's artwork

Into the Wild was 3 and another excellent product that I reviewed. This one was special because we all received a preview of the product on Kickstart. It also features Jenna Drummond's artwork on the cover, which I love just as much as the other covers in the series. 

The last 4 items were surprising, the Game Outbreak. Nine was Outbreak: Undead Starter Kit Card Set, and five was Outbreak: Undead 2nd Ed - Pocket Book. Two and one were Outbreak: Undead 2nd Edition - GM's Pocket Book and Outbreak: Undead 2nd Edition - Survivors Guide. The card set and the Survivor's Guide don't seem to be available. 

This is a big surprise as I love The Walking Dead and zombie films in general but I have never posted about them here. Maybe I should start posting about these sorts of things. 

Anyway, thank you again for your continued support in this strange adventure. 

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