Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Tek - July 2020

My stats for DriveThruRPG were fine.

July 2020 Downloads via DriveThruRPG:
AD&D Character Sheet For Use with Unearthed Arcana - 3
Compass Rose Inn Minisetting - 3
Kobold Folly Minisetting - 2
Swashbucklers Character Class - 1
The Hex Pack - 5
Zero to Hero: Uncommon Commoners - 6

I just realized reports run in alphabetical order, so I reorder my list. I also looked at all time downloads, which include free and paid downloads. Those are some really nice numbers, it's been 23 months since Zero to Hero was released.

All time Downloads via DriveThruRPG:
AD&D Character Sheet For Use with Unearthed Arcana - 110
Compass Rose Inn Minisetting - 150
Kobold Folly Minisetting - 139
Swashbucklers Character Class - 100
The Hex Pack - 118
Zero to Hero: Uncommon Commoners - 273

I would like to do an update for Zero to Hero and Kobold's Folly. I would like to add maps and encounter tables to Zero and a treaties on Kobolds for the Folly. I'd like to do two new sets, one will be a Roman theme set of Domuses (houses) battle mats and the other will be a Hill fort map. These items will include a D&D specific booklet plus a rule set agnostic booklet. Maybe, 25 pages each.  

Well, webstats were disappointing. I didn't post much and it shows. 

Google Analytics Pageviews - 601
Google Analytics Sessions - 484
Pageviews per Session - 1.24

I don't feel to bad, as I already have 340+ page views for the first 5 days of August 2020. I should be back to normal soon. I'm also posting daily again, so that will give me a noticeable kick. 

I did do a major update on my page. I'll be tweaking things all month long. Sorry for the mess. 

I just want to remind everyone, if you have a product, a website or a podcast, let me know in the comments below. I'd be happy to add them to my site. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

#RPGADAY2020 5. Tribute


I have some wonderful artwork from a well known artist in the field.  These creations are pyromancy. The brown areas are created with a torch and the colored areas appear to be watercolors. They are as cool as they are fascinating.

Each was done by the amazing Deven Rue. You can also find her on Facebook in addition to the aforementioned website. She's known for spectacular maps, but I can say I loved her teapots and slippers first. 

As you can see, I added an "s" to "tribute". I have a few more. Next up are the author-artist duo, Michael DiBaggio and Shell "Presto" DiBaggio, the creators of the Ascension Epoch series. I reviewed one of their books a few months ago, here. Shell Presto DiBaggio also has a Youtube channel for her artwork. I love watching these videos. 

Ok, so what is the tribute in these two? Well, believe it or not, I wrote a little OSR book called Zero to Hero which contains 50+ descriptions of medieval professions as character types. After I started following the DiBaggio's on MeWe, it sparked a memory. Historically, scribes fell into two categories, an illuminator and an author. And very often, they were husband and wife teams. It's nice to see traditions don't fade. So I added both types of professionals to my book after following them. 

Zero to Hero: Uncommon Heroes
Zero to Hero
Zero to Hero

My third tribute comes from the Introduction of that same book:

"And my parents, who instilled a love in gaming in me from a very young age." Thank you Mom and Dad! They are also a wife and husband authoring team. My mom is a publisher and my dad is an author

These five people aren't the only that could have the label "tribute", but if I kept going, I'd be here all night. Five people for prompt number 5. Seems right. 

Be sure to check all of these great creators out. 

#RPGADAY2020 4. Vision


The first thing that popped into my head was The Vision from the MCU. He is a wonderful warning for DMs of all stripes. Far too power and woven in the fabric of the problem but not the world, he is difficult character to handle. 

There is a going to come a point where your players make their characters something other than what you foresaw. There is the temptation to knock them down a notch, so they conform to your vision of what you planned. 


Not only for all of the reasons presented to the MCU version of Vision, but because what happens at your table is not just the DM's vision, but the player's as well. Your stories are the plan, the vision you have but your players have so much more in mind. They have a vision, too. 

Edit - HA! had nearly the same idea. Even better, he has a character sheet for The Vision

Monday, August 3, 2020

New! SM05 The World Guide to Barnaynia

New Product from Dunromin University Press. This one is called The World Guide to Barnaynia. 

SM05 The World Guide to Barnaynia
SM05 The World Guide to Barnaynia
SM05 The World Guide to Barnaynia

I'm not ready to do a review. In fact, I haven't bought it yet, owing to the fact that payday is Friday. Also, this book is over 200 pages of world details on Barnaybia, so it would take me a while to process it. I have many of the other titles in this series and enjoyed them all. I haven't played a session in this world, but I am looking forward to doing it. 

One of my favorite things about this whole series is the artwork. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it is gloriously old school. Many of the images and maps look hand drawn, but are crisp and sharp like digital renderings. I suppose I could ask which it is, but that would ruin the mystique. 

One tangent. I hope you like these prepackage links which look like DriveThruRPG's product links. They aren't, I make them up on the fly. I do have instructions on how to make those for your website, at this link. When you do the code, you'll have to reference your copy of the image or link directly to DTRPG's .png file. Usually, it is 140 px and a .png. Also, don't forget to change the affiliate number so you get credit.