Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Strictly (Duke) Springer - Day 029

We continue making rolls here in the spaceport.

We sell the ship’s boat, sans it’s guns. Those are nice guns. We make 6,000 secs. off of this one transaction.

We can sell FU at 5 each. We dump all 30 of them as we have no device that uses them. 150 secs. We can sell LSU for 10 each, so we also dump all but 4. Another 250 secs.

We have just enough time to pay on the ship and get to orbit.

Our assets are:

1 Antelope starship, which I owe 118,300 secs. in principle.
1 Stasis pod 2 CU, (In use, holding Emily.)
2 Repair units,
4 Life Support Units
1 U-bot,
7 PS-bots,
2 U-suit,
10 Heavy Hand Weapons,
10 Side Arms,
and the ship is fueled with 6 hypercharges.

1 Boat guns, TL-3,
5 U-suits.

I have 8,061 secs.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Strictly (Duke) Springer - Day 028

We have a pair of options, the spaceport or the space station. Things tend to cost at the space station and sell for less. We move to the spaceport. We need hypercharges.

It takes 3 hours to get the hypercharges. We buy a full load. That takes the rest of the day.

Our assets are:

1 Antelope starship, which I owe 118,300 secs. in principle.
1 Stasis pod 2 CU, (In use, holding Emily.)
15 Fuel Units,
2 Repair units,
24 Life Support Units
1 U-bot,
7 PS-bots,
2 U-suit,
10 Heavy Hand Weapons,
10 Side Arms,
and the ship is fueled with 6 hypercharges.
1 Hopper, with TL-3 guns,
15 Fuel Units,
5 Life Support Units.
5 U-suits.

I have 1,961 secs.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Strictly (Duke) Springer - Day 027

We are off to Imperia again, via Palatek. On arrival at Palatek, we are ordered to stop and wait for an escort to take us into the space station or spaceport. Not a chance. We jump.

And get into more trouble. The ship is hit by a mirco asteroid right in the pilot’s compartment. If it wasn’t for the Status Unit, Emily would be dead. We use a RU for the patch but now have a secondary problem. We can’t recover Emily without a 3 CU status unit. She is stuck in there.

It takes an hour to patch up and start moving again. It takes 4 more hours to get to the surface. Our first priority is to make money. I want to sell these guns, so we are off to the slums. We aren’t detected on entry.

We can sell RU, FU and LSU. We can sell RU at ten times their normal cost, so we unload 20 of them for 200 secs. We also can sell side arms at 40 each. We get rid of 90 of them for a return of 3600.
Our day is done. What a rotten day.

Our assets are:
1 Antelope starship, which I owe 118,300 secs. in principle.
1 Stasis pod 2 CU, (In use, holding Emily.)
15 Fuel Units,
2 Repair units,
24 Life Support Units
1 U-bot,
7 PS-bots,
2 U-suit,
10 Heavy Hand Weapons,
10 Side Arms,
and the ship is fueled with 2 hypercharges. 
1 Hopper, with TL-3 guns,
15 Fuel Units,
5 Life Support Units.
5 U-suits.

I have 3,961 secs.

Matt Jackson's CollaboDungeon #2

Here we are, round two! I picked room 22, a forested room in a dungeon. Click here to read Matt's full post and see all three maps.

22. The Faerie Queen’s Thicket

Small animals frolic among all the trees. Under the largest tree is a white brocade blanket, upon which sits a elderly woman. On noticing the party, she sings out:

“Come out, come out,
“I am the mistress of scrying.”

As the characters approach her, she issues a warning:

“Come and sit,
“There is a place for all here,
“But don’t drink the water.”

The reference to water refers to room 15. She offers the characters food and drink. Consuming the food and drink of the Faerie Queen will restore 1d6 hit points and remove any curses or poisons. Characters may be reluctant to partake of the Faerie Queen’s provisions, but it is safe.

If asked about other rooms, the Faerie Queen will produce a crystal ball and describe them. The only limitation to scrying is if the characters have not be there, they might not understand. If characters look at the crystal ball, they see nothing but cloudiness.

The woman is reluctant to leave room 22, but the party can convince her to leave if they promise to take her out by the shortest route. If the party deviates from the shortest route, she will teleport back to her seat in room 22.

If they return to her, she will sing:

“This is my home,
“And you have been banished.”

No food or drink will be offered this time, and if the characters consume it, they will die in 24 hours. There will be no pain, only a sudden feeling of certain doom.

If any character takes the crystal ball, the Queen will vanish and that character will take her place.

The Goblin’s Henchmen’s rule is in effect, 300 words, less 1 for fun. This post draws on DMB’s song Don’t Drink the Water.