Showing posts with label Raspberry Pi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raspberry Pi. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2019

Fall Pi Challenge!

I've had a Raspberry Pi sitting in my drawer for over a year. By December, I will be making use of it, using only parts and items I have on hand.

I am a junk accumulator, so if I can't do anything cool with this, I am going to pass it on to someone else who can and will.

Here is my list of things I want it to do.

  1. Work with some sort of joystick, Wii or PS4. Preferably a Wii mote.
  2. It will work like Kiosk. 
  3. The Kiosk will display the weather, date and time. 
  4. The Kiosk will have a theme, like summer, winter, vacation, etc.
  5. The Kiosk will be changeable.   
  6. It will play music from a source. I haven't selected the source.  
  7. It will display pictures, from a source. 
  8. It will display movies, from a source.
That's a pretty good list for now. Time to do some exploration of these topics to see if I can actually do this with code others have created. 

Wish me luck!