Saturday, January 9, 2021

Damiano By R. A. MacAvoy

Title: Damiano
Author: R. A. MacAvoy
Year: 1983
Pages: 243 pages
Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Damiano is R. A. MacAvoy's opening book in her well-researched fantasy novel series. The titular hero begins his adventures in 12th century Italy. The author shows her craft by blending historical research with a coming-of-age story of the witch, Damiano Delstrego. 

Delstrego defends his beloved hometown of Partestrada with an unlikely crew: a dancing thief, Gaspare, Macchiata the talking dog, Festilligambe, a feral horse, and Raphael, music teacher and Chief of Eagles. They stand with honor and distinction against fear, bigotry, war, and The Devil himself. 

MacAvoy's detailed research allows magic to stand toe to toe with her chosen historical era to create an engrossing tale of drama and strife. It is rare that a fantasy novel manages to use touches history to the advantage of storytelling rather than merely remind the reader of where and when the characters are. The Devil, saints, and the Pope himself are in those details. 

Damiano is a powerful start to this three-book series. 

You can search for Damiano on Abebooks.

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